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AI 이미지

AI 이미지, 반 고흐 스타일로 그린 고양이 초상화

AI와 디지털 변화 2024. 11. 18. 21:34

아래는 반 고흐 스타일로 그린 고양이 초상화 5가지에 대한 프롬프트입니다. 각 프롬프트는 고흐의 독특한 붓질과 색감, 그리고 생동감을 강조합니다.


1. "강렬한 붓터치로 표현된 흰색 고양이"

A white cat sitting on a rustic wooden chair, surrounded by bright yellow sunflowers. The painting is in Van Gogh's style, with thick, bold brushstrokes and vibrant colors. The background is a warm, swirling blue, contrasting with the cat’s pure white fur and the golden tones of the sunflowers.


2. "밤하늘과 어우러진 검은 고양이"

A sleek black cat perched on a windowsill, gazing out at a starry night inspired by Van Gogh’s "Starry Night." The swirling sky with radiant stars and a crescent moon illuminates the cat’s silhouette. The scene includes the cat's luminous green eyes reflecting the celestial glow.


3. "농장 풍경 속의 호랑이 무늬 고양이"

A tabby cat lying on a field of wheat, surrounded by golden stalks swaying in the wind. The scene mimics Van Gogh's "Wheatfield with Crows," featuring dramatic textures, earthy tones, and dynamic movement in the cat’s fur and the wheat field.


4. "책상 위의 예술적 고양이"

An orange cat lounging on a wooden table cluttered with paints, brushes, and a sketchbook. The cat's fur is rendered in fiery hues, matching Van Gogh’s energetic palette. The background includes unfinished sketches on the walls and a vase with irises.


5. "정원 속 파스텔 고양이"

A pastel-colored cat resting on a grassy patch in a lush garden filled with irises and wildflowers. The scene is infused with Van Gogh's iconic swirling and textured strokes, with the cat's fur blending harmoniously into the vibrant colors of the surrounding flowers.


이 프롬프트들로 고흐 스타일의 고양이 초상화를 멋지게 시각화할 수 있을 것입니다!